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Car Repair Shop Container

Car Repair Container

Smart containers are being utilized across the nation to allow the auto repair industry to increase the capabilities of their facilities. The converted container is a secure and weatherproof way to provide extra working space to your facility. 

They can be used for a number of everyday tasks that can help your workers get things done more efficiently with less time waiting for spaces/machines in your facility to free up.

With portable container modifications, what you use your container for is entirely up to you. If you are looking for an efficient way to store parts, FSE group can provide shelving, bins, and racking systems to allow for storage of engines, doors, lights, transmission, and any loose part you are using while you wait for it to sell or it can provide you with a space to repair cars.

Car Repair Container Products

Twin Car Repair shop Container

Two 20-foot containers have been used to make this car repair shop container, and there is space for placing two cars. 

Oil Change Service Container 1

This car oil change container has the capacity to accommodate three cars and has been designed with a


Oil Change Service Container 2

This car oil change container has the capacity to accommodate three cars and has been designed with a space at one

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Some benefits of converting a container to a car repair container include:

Converted containers have the capability to provide modifications that will meet the needs of your shop.
The great thing about using shipping containers for your shop is that it’s so fast and easy to do so. It doesn’t require a whole lot of effort or resources to purchase a shipping container and repurpose it for your needs.
Another benefit of using shipping containers for any of your diverse needs is that they are made to be durable.


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Before anything, get consultation. We try to be as specific as possible here but you are more than welcome to contact us for free consultation on any of our services.